Frequently Asked Questions

What is Parts Direct?

Parts Direct(formerly known as SourceESB or The Electronics Source Book) is an online tool for buyers and engineers to source electronic and industrial parts, manufacturers, and services. You can search by part number for price and availability from hundreds of distributors or you can search by manufacturer for the distribution channel.

What types of searches can I do?

We offer 3 types of searches:

  • Single Part Search — finds distributors and quantities for a specific part number
  • Multiple Part Search — search multiple parts at once
  • Manufacturer Search — finds distributors for a specific manufacturer – authorized and independent

To perform a search:

  1. Select the search options you would like to perform
  2. Enter your search term into the search field (Minimum 3 characters)
  3. Click the Search icon or hit Enter

To perform a multiple part search:

  1. Click “enter list” within the search box
  2. A popup window will appear
  3. Enter your parts numbers with a return after each one and click the Submit button
  4. Each part number will appear within its own tab at the top.
    1. This is a great tool to use in combination with the Add to Part Lists Feature.

Example: To get a list of distributors who carry "Texas Instruments"

  1. Select "Manufacturer" from the drop-down menu
  2. Type "Texas Instruments” into the search box
  3. Click the "Search" icon or hit enter
  4. This will display a list of Manufacturers that start with "Texas Instruments". Then click on "Texas Instruments" for further manufacturer specific information.

Why should I register for an account?

There are five reasons you should register.

  1. You can save your “Part Lists” or BOMs so you can come back to them at any time instead of searching the parts again. Open your “Part Lists”, select your list and the information will update automatically.
  2. Inventory Alert Feature – is there a part you need but the quantity is not available? Set up an alert to send you an email once the quantity is available on the site.
  3. Personal Part Library – save the parts you use all the time or the ones you want to use again. You create your own categories and subcategories based on your needs. You can also include notes for reference.
  4. Preferred Distributors – do you typically buy from a preferred vendor list? If so, now you can Personalize your search settings to search parts based on your preferred distributor list.
  5. Preferred Categories – select the product categories you are most interested in, and we will use that preferred list to reach out to you with information specific to your selected product categories.

I forgot my username and/or password. How can I get it?

No problem. Go to the top right-hand corner of the page and select the Login link. Right below the Password box select the “forgot password” link. Follow the prompts from there.

Can I change my password and/or e-mail address?

Yes! When you are logged in, click on Account Settings under My Dashboard. Select the blue Manage All button. You can update any information on this screen. Make sure to select Exit once complete.

How is the “Authorization Date” determined?

The date is determined in two ways:

  1. The date the manufacturer updated and verified the authorization
  2. Endeavor verified the authorization either directly from the manufacturer or their website

What is Supply Chain Connect?

Supply Chain Connect provides procurement professionals with essential news, information and analysis about the technology and business trends that impact the global supply chains. This is done via the website, a 3x a week newsletter, a digital edition, and more.

Topics include sustainability, trends, key challenges, risk management, buying trends, inventory management, security issues, and much more. We also cover strategic issues of critical importance to CPOs and CSCOs, such as the implications of new technologies like IoT, IIoT, artificial intelligence and 5G as they impact the supply chain.

Visit Supply Chain Connect Today!

Is Supply Chain Connect related to Parts Direct?

Yes, Supply Chain Connect is the go-to content site for the Parts Direct audience.

Benefits of the “Parts List” feature

Save Time and save the parts you regularly source to a part list.

  • Do you search for specific parts on a regular basis? When it is time to order them again just go to your part list and the part and availability information will update automatically.
  • By having your parts in one list you can easily determine which distributors from your Approved Vendor List have most of the parts you are looking for.
  • Your “Part Lists” can be worked on and updated at any time
  • Don’t forget to conduct a multiple part search and save your parts to a “Part List”

How does the “Dashboard” work?

The “Dashboard” is the same as “Manage My lists”. The default is “My Part Lists” and there is a second option for “My Alerts”. These are Inventory Alerts and set up from the part detail pages. The third tab is “My Part Library” where you can save your parts in a library format with categories and subcategories. Go to thepartsdirect.com/blog and check out the Tutorial section.

How does the Need-A-Part feature work?

When you search a part that shows no results you will be able to choose the option for “Need A Part”. The Need A Part link is located right below the “No results for:..” at the top of the screen. Click on the link and a pop-up window will appear. Enter the required information. Your request will be sent to a list of distributors. You will also receive an email containing your request.

How do I create a part list?

When searching for parts you have the option to “Add to Part Lists” (located to the right of the part number). Currently, you have the option to add to an existing list, create a new list or go to your dashboard to view all lists. You can also “Create List” by clicking on the My Part Lists button near search, scroll down and select “Create List”. You will be directed to a new screen to start adding part numbers. You will also be able to name your part list at this time. Your list will automatically be saved as you enter the part numbers. Please make sure you are signed in!

How do I add parts to my part list?

There are two ways you can add parts to your part lists.

  1. When you are searching for parts, you can select the “Add to Part Lists” and select the list you want to add it to.
  2. When you are managing a part list or creating a new part list you will find a blank field to start typing in a part number for the specific list you are on.

How do I manage my part lists?

Select “My Parts Lists” button and then select “Manage My lists” from the drop down. You will be directed to your dashboard. You will be able to add, remove or edit parts within your lists.

How do I set up an “Inventory Alert”?

An “Inventory Alert” can be created from the part detail page. Once you find the part you need select either the part number or click on the “More Options” button and you will be directed to the part detail page. You will see a green “Get Inventory Alert” to the right of the part number.

You can set up an alert for either more than or less than the desired quantity. Once the quantity is reached or reduced you will receive an email. Please make sure you are signed in!

To view all your alerts, click on the “My Part Lists” button and scroll down to “Manage My Lists”. You will be directed to the User Dashboard. “My Alerts” is the second tab from the left.

What is a Personal Part Library?

A Personal Part Library allows you to create your own library of parts. First you start off by creating your category of parts. You can add subcategories as well. Once you create the categories and subcategories you can add parts to each of the categories. This search box will auto populate part numbers and include the associated manufacturer.

*If you would like to include a specific note to the part select the pencil icon and a notes field will appear. Click the blue check box once your note is entered.

Please provide feedback and what else you would like to see so we can improve this feature.

[email protected]

Preferred Distributors

This feature allows you to select the distributors you would like to appear when searching for parts. Simply start typing in the distributor name (must enter 3 characters to see the auto complete list appear) then select from the drop-down list.

Once you selected the distributor you can choose the pencil icon and include notes about the distributor. You can remove the distributors at any time.

Keep in mind when searching for parts only your preferred distributors will appear. Under each search result you will have the option to expand the list of distributors without having to do another search.

Preferred Product Categories

Select your preferred product categories based on the list provided. This will help us target messaging that fits your needs.

How do I perform a multiple part search?

Simply click the “Enter List” link within the search box. A pop-up box will appear for you to enter the part numbers you wish to search. Once you click the submit button you will be directed back to search. Each part number will appear in its own tab. You will notice there is a “Best Results Match” at the top with a blue box below displaying the best result. Click on the blue box to select a better part match if necessary.

Can anyone Upload Inventory on Parts Direct?

Yes, but it is not a free service. For more information, please call us at 614-532-9423 or email [email protected] .

How can I post my inventory in Parts Direct?

We offer multiple options for sending in your inventory, such as email, FTP, Web Upload, and API. For more information, please call us at 614-532-9423 or email [email protected] .

How do I map the manufacturer codes from my inventory file?

If you are the “company admin” for your company, please log on and select the “Go To Admin” link on the top right of the screen. Then select the “Manage Data” button on the right side of the Welcome Page. Select the “Inventory MFR Mapping” button. Click on the “number” to the right of “Unmapped Manufacturer Codes”. 2 boxes will appear – on the left will be the manufacturer codes from your file and on the right will be the manufacturers listed in our database. For example, if the mfr. code from your file is IR.

You would need to:

  1. In the field on the left you will need to select the box next to IR
  2. In the field on the right you will need to select International Rectifier
  3. Click on the “prepare map” button
  4. After you map the first manufacturer you will notice a list appears below.
  5. This is available so you can map multiple manufacturers and once you are done you will need to select all boxes by clicking on the top box next to Manufacturer code.
  6. Then select the “Map All” button below
  7. If you need to remove one from the list
    1. Select the manufacturer you would like to remove by clicking on the box
    2. Then select the “Remove” button below

In the example above, going forward, any IR noted parts will automatically map to International Rectifier.

*Best Practice — find the manufacturer from the list on the right before you select your manufacturer code on the left.

**Note: To find a manufacturer name faster — click anywhere in the box of manufacturer names and start typing a manufacturer name, the system will automatically take you to the closest result. If the mfr. name is not found in our database, please email us at [email protected] so we can add it to the database.

How do I add manufacturer lines to my company profile?

Login to Parts Direct , select the “Go To Admin” link. You will be directed to your company “Welcome Page”. Select the “edit line card” button and at the top left of the page you will find a search box. Start typing in the name of the manufacturer you wish to add. As you type, the field will auto populate. Select the company you want to add. If you add a manufacturer without authorizations, the system will automatically update the information. If you add authorization information you MUST select the “update” button at the bottom of the page. (If the MFR is not listed in our system, send a request via e-mail to [email protected] )

How can I increase my company's exposure on your site?

For advertising information, please go to https://designengineering.endeavorb2b.com or contact your Parts Direct Sales Rep. If you do not know who your Rep is, please email us at [email protected]

How do I add distributor lines to my company profile?

Login to Parts Direct , select the “Go To Admin” link. You will be directed to your company “Welcome Page”. Select the “distributors” button and at the top left of the page you will find a search box. Start typing in the name of the distributor you wish to add. As you type, the field will auto populate. Select the company you want to add. To save changes, you MUST select the “update” button at the bottom of the page. (If the distributor is not listed in our system, send a request via e-mail to [email protected] )

Why am I receiving Authorization verification alerts in my email?

When a distributor claims to be authorized an alert is sent to the Company Admin at the manufacturer to verify the authorization. Once the authorization is verified the date will be added to the website to alert users. If the claim is rejected the distributor is notified.

Can anyone Upload Part Data on Parts Direct?

Yes, any manufacturer can send their part data. This is a FREE service. Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.

What is considered Part Data?

Complimentary part data includes part number, part description, part image, data sheet links, reference design links, etc. If you would like to submit additional part data, please contact us at [email protected] .

How can I increase my company's exposure on your site?

There are many ways to increase your exposure and it all depends on your marketing goals and needs as a company. Please email us at [email protected] so we can direct you to the appropriate person.

What does the “VERIFY” button mean on my company “Welcome Page”?

This shows the last date, time, and person responsible for updating your company information.

How do I update my company information?

As the company admin (you must be designated company admin to make changes online) you have the ability to log on and update your company information any time of the day by selecting “Go to Admin” at the top of the page once you are logged in; you will be directed to your company welcome page where the edit buttons are available. Once you are done editing make sure to click on the Welcome Page link on the left. At the top you will see the “Verify” button. Please select it so we know your data is up to date. You will see today’s date which will confirm you have verified your information.

I have some comments/suggestions for your website. Where can I send them?

We are committed to providing users with the most accurate, comprehensive, and easy to use sourcing tool for electronic components. Let us know how Parts Direct can serve you better. You can email us at [email protected] .

If you have a question or a problem that is not covered in our FAQs section, please email us at [email protected] .